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Insight of the Day: Worldwide, 80% of citizens want stronger action on climate change

Key Findings:

  • Overwhelming Support for Stronger Climate Action: 80% of global citizens want their governments to take bolder action on climate change.

  • Global Collaboration: 86% of respondents desire international cooperation to address climate change.

  • Strong Support in Major Emitting Countries: Majorities in 20 of the world's largest greenhouse gas-emitting nations favor stronger climate action.

  • Gender Gap in Support: In several major emitting countries, women are more in favor of stronger climate commitments than men.

  • Transition Away from Fossil Fuels: 72% of global respondents support a rapid shift away from fossil fuels.

  • Impact on Life Decisions: 69% of respondents say climate change affects major life choices.

  • Rising Concerns: Over half of those surveyed are more worried about climate change than last year.

Key Takeaway:

The People's Climate Vote survey reveals a clear and overwhelming global consensus for stronger action on climate change, transcending geopolitical boundaries and highlighting the urgency of addressing this critical issue.


There is a growing global demand for more ambitious climate policies and a rapid transition away from fossil fuels, with increasing concerns about the impacts of climate change on people's lives and decisions.


Governments and policymakers must heed the clear message from citizens and take bolder action on climate change, including accelerating the transition to renewable energy sources and prioritizing international collaboration.

Implications for Brands:

  • Corporate Responsibility: Brands must align their operations and products with sustainable practices to meet consumer expectations and contribute to climate change mitigation.

  • Consumer Engagement: Communicate climate initiatives transparently and engage consumers in sustainability efforts.

  • Innovation: Invest in developing and promoting eco-friendly products and services to meet the growing demand for sustainable solutions.

  • Advocacy: Use brand influence to advocate for stronger climate policies and support initiatives that address climate change.

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