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Insight of the Day: Why the Carlsberg and Brooklyn Fonio beer is a taste of the future

Findings: Carlsberg and Brooklyn Brewery collaborated to create a unique beer called Fonio, made entirely from fonio grains, a drought-resistant grain from West Africa.

Key Takeaway: This world-first brew showcases the potential of new brewing techniques and ingredients, highlighting the possibility of using fonio as a sustainable and versatile grain in brewing.

Trend: The development of Fonio aligns with the growing interest in sustainable and innovative brewing practices, exploring alternative grains to traditional barley.

Consumer Motivation: The Fonio beer appeals to consumers who are looking for unique and flavorful experiences, as well as those who are interested in supporting sustainable and innovative products.

Driving Trend: The demand for sustainable and innovative products, coupled with the desire for unique and flavorful experiences, is driving the trend towards exploring alternative grains like fonio in brewing.

Target Audience: The Fonio beer is likely to appeal to craft beer enthusiasts, those interested in sustainable products, and consumers looking for unique and flavorful experiences.

Description of Product/Service: Fonio is a 7.5% ABV lager made with 100% unmalted fonio grains, brewed with Carlsberg lager yeast and aroma hops Galaxy and Cascade. It is gluten-free and has been described as having "soft aromas of apricots, white peaches, and melon with an underlying sweetness and lingering bitterness."

Conclusions: The development of Fonio demonstrates the potential for fonio as a sustainable and versatile ingredient in brewing, paving the way for further innovation and exploration in the industry.

Implications for Brands: This innovation encourages brands to explore alternative and sustainable ingredients, creating unique and appealing products that cater to evolving consumer preferences.

Implications for Society: The use of fonio in brewing could potentially support sustainable agriculture practices in West Africa, offering economic opportunities and promoting biodiversity. Additionally, it contributes to a more diverse and innovative beer market, offering consumers a wider range of choices and experiences.

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