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Insight of the Day: Why shoppers are turning towards costly organic food and drink


  • Organic food and drink sales are outperforming non-organic products, with UK organic sales rising by 6.4% compared to 5.4% for non-organic items.

  • Over two-thirds (69%) of shoppers seek sustainable or eco-friendly logos when purchasing food and drink.

  • Consumer health and wellness concerns have grown significantly in the past two years, from 11% to 28%, while concerns about the cost of living have decreased.

  • The EU is ahead of the UK in supporting organic agriculture as part of sustainability goals.

Key Takeaway:

Consumers are increasingly prioritizing sustainability and health over cost concerns, driving significant growth in the organic food and drink sector.


There is a rising demand for organic products due to increased awareness of health and environmental sustainability, reflecting a shift in consumer values.

Consumer Motivation:

Consumers are driven by personal health, wellness, and environmental consciousness. They seek products that align with sustainable practices and provide health benefits.

What is Driving the Trend:

  • Growing awareness of environmental issues and health.

  • Increased availability of organic certifications and logos, which influence purchasing decisions.

  • Shifts in consumer concerns from cost-of-living to long-term health and sustainability.

Who the Article Refers to:

  • Experts like Alex Cullen (Soil Association) and Michaël Wilde (The Organic Embassy) discuss the organic sector’s recovery and future.

  • Consumers: environmentally-conscious and health-focused individuals.

Description of the Consumers and Products/Services:

Consumers are seeking organic food and drink products with sustainable and eco-friendly certifications. These shoppers are likely middle-aged or younger, more affluent, and health-conscious. The products referenced include organic groceries, food, and beverages.


Organic food is gaining popularity as a premium product for consumers focused on health and the environment. However, the UK needs to accelerate its organic strategy to compete with the EU’s more ambitious sustainability goals.

Implications for Brands:

  • Brands should emphasize transparency and sustainability, ensuring products are certified organic.

  • Investment in organic innovation is essential to stay competitive.

  • Educating consumers on the benefits of organic food can strengthen brand loyalty.

Implications for Society:

There is a societal shift toward more sustainable consumption patterns, which supports environmental sustainability and public health goals.

Implications for Consumers:

Consumers are becoming more informed and selective about their food choices, prioritizing health and sustainability even if it means paying a premium.

Implications for the Future:

Organic agriculture and sustainable food production will become increasingly important as governments and consumers focus more on environmental and health impacts.

Consumer Trend:

Consumers are seeking products that provide both personal wellness and contribute to the environment, even in the face of economic pressure.

Consumer Sub-Trend:

There is a rising trend of looking for certifications and logos that signal eco-friendliness and sustainability in food purchases.

Big Social Trend:

A global push towards sustainable food systems and environmentally responsible consumption patterns.

Local Trend:

In the UK, there is a growing but slower-paced movement toward organic food compared to the EU, where policies and strategies are more aggressive.

Worldwide Social Trend:

The worldwide emphasis is on transitioning to sustainable agriculture, with organic food seen as a crucial element in addressing climate change and health issues.

Name of the Big Trend Implied by the Article:

“Green Consumerism” – the growing preference for products that are eco-friendly and sustainable.

Name of Big Social Trend Implied by the Article:

“Health and Sustainability Convergence” – the merging of personal wellness with environmental sustainability in consumer decision-making.

Social Drive:

The need to address climate change, preserve natural resources, and improve public health is pushing consumers toward more responsible food choices.

Strategy Recommendations for Companies to Follow in 2025:

  1. Invest in Sustainable Supply Chains: Companies should focus on sustainable sourcing, packaging, and production methods to align with consumer demand.

  2. Transparency and Certifications: Brands need to ensure their products are certified and clearly communicate these attributes to consumers.

  3. Consumer Education: Engage in campaigns to inform customers about the long-term benefits of organic products for health and the planet.

  4. Innovation in Organic Farming: Explore new technologies in organic agriculture to make production more efficient and accessible.

  5. Partnership with Governments: Collaborate with regulatory bodies to promote policies that support organic farming and make organic products more affordable for wider populations.

  6. Diversified Product Range: Expand organic product offerings to include not just food, but beverages, cosmetics, and household goods.

  7. Digital and Social Engagement: Leverage social media and digital platforms to connect with the growing number of eco-conscious consumers, highlighting sustainability efforts and health benefits.

  8. Prepare for Policy Shifts: Monitor and adapt to upcoming regulations around sustainable agriculture and organic certifications, especially in regions like the EU.


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