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Insight of the Day: Unlocking Sustainability Opportunities in Consumer Health

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Here is a summary of the article:

  • Consumer-Driven Sustainability: Consumers' growing interest in health, performance, and transparency is pushing the consumer health industry towards sustainability. This trend is evident in the 8% CAGR growth of sustainable products from 2020 to 2023, outpacing non-sustainable counterparts.

  • Transparent Sustainability Measures: Euromonitor's Passport Sustainability platform highlights the importance of transparent sustainability measures for businesses. This not only helps mitigate risks and comply with regulations but also appeals to the growing consumer demand for sustainable products.

  • Multipurpose Demand and Cross-Category Solutions: Consumers are seeking versatile products that address both lifestyle and health concerns with a low environmental impact. This has led to the development of innovative cross-category solutions, such as Nestle's Garden of Life expansion into skin health, digestive health, and weight management within its sports nutrition range.

  • Sustainable Sourcing and Packaging: Brands are focusing on sustainable sourcing and transparency, with claims like "Natural," "Vegetarian," "Vegan," and "No-GMO" becoming increasingly popular. However, sustainable packaging remains a challenge for the industry, with only 1% of products globally using such packaging.

  • Examples of Sustainability in Consumer Health:

  • Sanofi: Achieved B Corp certification at four facilities and significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions at its US plant.

  • Ancient Nutrition: Introduced organic supplements in biodegradable packaging, supporting holistic wellness and regenerative agriculture.

  • Beauty Kitchen: Launched a vegan, sustainably-sourced anti-aging range with B Corp, vegan, and cruelty-free certifications, using sustainable aluminum packaging.


  • Holistic wellness: Consumers are prioritizing overall well-being and seeking products that cater to a broader range of health concerns.

  • Preventative health: There is a growing interest in preventing health issues rather than just treating them, leading to demand for products that support proactive health management.

  • Transparency: Consumers want to know what is in their products and how they are made, driving the need for clear labeling and communication about ingredients and production methods.

  • Sustainable sourcing: The demand for sustainably sourced ingredients is increasing, with consumers looking for products that have a minimal environmental impact.

  • Sustainable packaging: While still a challenge, there is a growing need for more sustainable packaging solutions in the consumer health industry.

Implications for Brands:

  • Embrace Transparency: Brands need to be transparent about their sustainability efforts to build trust with consumers and meet their expectations.

  • Focus on Sustainable Sourcing: Prioritize sourcing sustainable ingredients and communicate this clearly to consumers.

  • Invest in Sustainable Packaging: Explore innovative packaging solutions to reduce environmental impact and appeal to eco-conscious consumers.

  • Develop Cross-Category Solutions: Innovate by creating products that address multiple health and lifestyle concerns.

  • Communicate Sustainability Efforts: Clearly communicate sustainability initiatives to differentiate from competitors and attract environmentally conscious consumers.

Implications for Society:

  • Reduced Environmental Impact: The shift towards sustainability in the consumer health industry can help reduce the environmental footprint of products and packaging.

  • Healthier Consumers: The focus on holistic wellness and preventative health can lead to healthier lifestyles and improved overall well-being.

  • Increased Consumer Awareness: The emphasis on transparency and sustainable sourcing can raise consumer awareness about the importance of sustainability and encourage more conscious consumption.

  • Innovation and Economic Growth: Investing in sustainable solutions can drive innovation and create new business opportunities within the consumer health industry.

Big Trend Implied:

The consumer health industry is undergoing a significant shift towards sustainability, driven by consumer demand and evolving market trends. This trend is expected to continue, with increasing focus on holistic wellness, preventative health, transparency, sustainable sourcing, and eco-friendly packaging. Brands that embrace sustainability and adapt to these trends will be well-positioned for success in the future.

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