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Insight of the Day: UK consumers are unwilling to pay the premium for sustainable health & beauty


  • Sustainability alone isn't enough: Retailers need to make sustainable products affordable and accessible.

  • Price is a major barrier: Many consumers, especially younger ones, find sustainable products too expensive.

  • Refillable options have potential: Consumers are open to refilling, but the process needs to be simplified.

  • Own-brand sustainable ranges are growing: Retailers are expanding their own sustainable product lines to compete on price.

Key Takeaway:

  • Accessibility and affordability are crucial for the success of sustainable health & beauty products.


  • Growing demand for sustainable health & beauty products, but price and accessibility remain barriers.

Consumer Motivation:

  • Environmental concerns: Consumers want to make eco-friendly choices.

  • Value for money: Price is a key factor in purchasing decisions.

  • Convenience: Consumers prefer simple and accessible shopping experiences.

Driving Trend:

  • Increasing awareness of environmental issues and the impact of consumer choices.

  • Desire for affordable and accessible sustainable options.

Target Audience:

  • Primarily Gen Z and millennials: These generations are most likely to buy sustainable products if they're affordable.

  • Consumers interested in sustainable health & beauty products.


  • Sustainable/eco-friendly health & beauty products: This includes skincare, haircare, cosmetics, and personal care items that are produced and packaged with minimal environmental impact.


  • Retailers need to prioritize affordability and accessibility to drive the adoption of sustainable health & beauty products.

  • Simplified refill systems can address both price concerns and environmental impact.

  • Own-brand sustainable ranges offer a competitive advantage by providing affordable options.

Implications for Brands:

  • Focus on developing affordable sustainable products.

  • Invest in convenient refill systems and infrastructure.

  • Target younger demographics with marketing and pricing strategies.

Implications for Society:

  • Increased adoption of sustainable health & beauty products can reduce environmental impact.

  • Addressing price barriers can make sustainable choices more inclusive.

Big Trend Implied:

  • The shift towards conscious consumerism, where consumers prioritize ethical and sustainable choices. Brands need to adapt to meet these evolving expectations and offer products that align with consumer values.


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