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Insight of the Day: TV, Movie Content Discovery Still A Frustrating Process, Study Finds

The Problem of Content Discovery

  • 51% of viewers experience difficulty finding something to watch.

  • 66% spend over 6 minutes searching for content.

  • Searching across multiple streaming platforms is a major challenge.

  • For 13% of viewers, the search process can take more than 15 minutes.

How Viewers Discover Content

  • 62% prefer browsing a program guide or scrolling within a specific app.

  • 34% use voice commands.

  • Many viewers seek recommendations from friends, family (55%), and social media (49%).

Factors Influencing Content Choice

  • Genre is a primary consideration for 94% of viewers.

  • Situational factors are crucial, including:

  • Mood (63%)

  • Schedule constraints (53%)

  • Co-viewers' preferences (42%)

  • Convenience (37%)

  • While only 38% discover content through trailers/ads, 85% are more likely to watch something if they've seen a promotional trailer/ad beforehand.

Key Takeaway

Content discovery remains a frustrating and time-consuming process for many viewers. This highlights a need for improved search tools, more intuitive interfaces, and better cross-platform integration to streamline the viewing experience.

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