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Insight of the Day: Three beer trends that will boost bar sales

Summary of Findings:

  • Beer Sales Growth: Beer sales in British pubs and bars are increasing, primarily driven by new product launches, world lager, and no/low alcohol options.

  • Key Players: Guinness 0.0, Stella Artois Unfiltered, and Cruzcampo are leading the new launch success. World lager and no/low alcohol beers are also contributing significantly to growth.

  • Market Value: The beer category is valued at £13.5 billion in pubs and bars.

  • Top Brands: Guinness, Carling, and Birra Moretti are the top three draught beers.

  • Consumer Behavior: Consumers are adopting a “spend and splurge” approach, with lunchtime and early evening being key trading periods.

Key Takeaway:

The beer market is evolving, with innovation, diversification, and catering to changing consumer preferences being key to success.


  • Premiumization and Diversification: Consumers are looking for unique, high-quality, and diverse beer options.

  • Health Consciousness: The growth of no and low alcohol beers reflects a trend towards more mindful drinking.

Consumer Motivation:

  • Variety and Novelty: Consumers want to explore new and interesting beer flavors and styles.

  • Health and Wellness: There's a growing interest in reducing alcohol intake or opting for healthier alternatives.

  • Value for Money: Consumers are willing to pay a premium for quality experiences and products.

What's Driving the Trend:

  • Changing Consumer Preferences: Health consciousness, a desire for new experiences, and a willingness to pay for quality are driving the demand for premium and diverse beer options.

  • Innovation in the Beer Industry: New product launches and the development of no/low alcohol beers are catering to these changing preferences.

People the Article is Referring to:

  • Consumers: The article focuses on British consumers who frequent pubs and bars. Their age range is not explicitly mentioned.

  • Industry Professionals: The report targets those working in the on-trade sector, such as pub and bar owners, managers, and staff.

Description of the Product/Service:

The article refers to the beer industry, specifically beer sales in pubs and bars. It encompasses various beer types, including new launches, world lagers, and no/low alcohol beers.


  • The beer industry is resilient and has growth potential despite challenges.

  • Innovation, diversification, and catering to changing consumer needs are essential for success.

  • Operators should leverage peak trading times and focus on providing high-quality experiences.

Implications for Brands:

  • Innovate and diversify: Brands should continue to introduce new products and expand their range to cater to diverse consumer preferences.

  • Focus on quality: Consumers are willing to pay a premium for high-quality products and experiences.

  • Embrace the no/low alcohol trend: This segment presents a significant growth opportunity for brands.

Implications for Society:

  • Healthier Drinking Habits: The rise of no/low alcohol beers could contribute to a reduction in alcohol consumption and its associated health risks.

  • Increased Socialization: A thriving pub and bar culture can foster community and social connections.

Big Trend Implied:

  • Conscious Consumerism: Consumers are making more mindful choices about what they consume, seeking quality, health benefits, and new experiences.

Implication for the Future:

  • The beer industry will continue to evolve, driven by consumer demand for innovation, quality, and health-conscious options.

  • Technology and data analysis will play an increasingly important role in understanding and catering to consumer preferences.

Name of Trend:

  • Premiumization and Diversification in the Beer Market

Name of Broad Social Trend:

  • Conscious Consumerism


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