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Insight of the Day: Surprise Survey Results on America's New Alcohol Habits


  • Health and wellness concerns are driving many consumers to rethink their drinking habits, particularly among younger generations.

  • Gen Z and Millennials prefer spirits, cocktails, and beer over wine, and health concerns are a significant factor for those cutting back.

  • Gen X has a balanced split, with some drinking less due to health reasons and others drinking more wine due to lifestyle factors.

  • Baby Boomers are drinking less due to aging and health concerns, while those who drink more view wine as a key component of life's pleasures.

  • Women are more likely to be influenced by socialization and entertainment when it comes to drinking habits, while men focus on lifestyle and social aspects.

  • Price remains a crucial factor for consumers, with most preferring wines priced under $25.

Key Takeaway:

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted alcohol consumption habits, with a growing focus on health and wellness driving changes across different age groups and demographics.


The "sober curious" movement is gaining traction, particularly among younger generations, leading to a greater demand for non-alcoholic beverages and a focus on mindful consumption.


  • The wine industry needs to adapt to the changing consumer landscape by addressing health concerns and offering more diverse options, including non-alcoholic alternatives.

  • Targeted messaging and marketing strategies are essential to reach different demographics and appeal to their unique motivations for drinking.

  • Understanding the nuanced reasons behind changes in drinking habits is crucial for wineries to maintain and expand their market share.

Implications for Brands:

  • Wine brands should focus on creating high-quality, affordable wines that cater to the taste preferences of younger generations.

  • Develop marketing campaigns that emphasize the health benefits of moderate wine consumption and promote wine as part of a balanced lifestyle.

  • Offer a wider range of non-alcoholic options to attract those who are cutting back on alcohol or choosing not to drink altogether.

  • Tailor messaging to different demographics, addressing their unique motivations and concerns around alcohol consumption.

  • Use social media as a tool for engagement and brand awareness, but remember that traditional factors like taste and value still play a major role in influencing consumer choices.


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