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Insight of the Day: Sorry fast food fans — your burger is only going to get more expensive


  • Beef prices in the U.S. are sharply rising due to a historic drought and herd liquidation, creating supply shortages.

  • The U.S. cattle herd is at its smallest since 1951, driving up beef prices, with consumers unlikely to see relief until 2027 or 2028.

  • Fast food chains like McDonald's and Burger King have responded to inflation and beef shortages by raising prices and offering value menus, such as $5 combo deals.

Key Takeaway:

The beef supply shortage is causing rising prices across the food industry, with fast food chains and fine dining restaurants feeling the impact. Consumers are turning to cheaper options, while restaurants are adjusting by exploring alternatives.


The primary trend is inflationary pressure on beef prices, with the restaurant industry raising prices and adapting menus to reflect rising costs. The introduction of alternative proteins, such as chicken, is also emerging as a key trend.

Consumer Motivation:

Consumers are motivated by the rising costs of dining out and are seeking value deals or opting to eat at home. The cost of beef is deterring some from traditional beef-based meals, leading to a shift toward less expensive protein options.

What is Driving the Trend:

  • Beef Supply Shortage: Drought and herd liquidation have led to a decrease in the U.S. cattle population, pushing prices up.

  • Inflation: Rising labor and commodity costs are forcing restaurants to raise menu prices.

  • Consumer Behavior: The high cost of beef is encouraging consumers to seek value meals or alternatives to dining out.

Who the Article Refers to:

  • Industry Experts: Lance Zimmerman (Rabo AgriFinance), Jay Bandy (Goliath Consulting Group), and Till Dudler (Accenture) provide insights into the market's challenges.

  • Fast Food Chains: McDonald's, Burger King, and others, who are adapting pricing and menu strategies.

  • Consumers: Affected by rising beef prices and adjusting their dining habits.

Description of Consumers and Products/Services:

Consumers, affected by rising costs, are seeking cheaper meal options. Restaurants are responding by adjusting prices, introducing value menus, and exploring beef alternatives like chicken. Fast food chains and fine dining establishments alike are seeing changes in consumer demand.


The restaurant industry is grappling with rising beef prices and supply shortages, leading to higher prices for consumers. This shift is creating opportunities for restaurants to innovate by incorporating alternative proteins and value-driven options.

Implications for Brands:

  • Adapt Menu Strategies: Restaurants should focus on incorporating more cost-effective alternatives to beef, such as chicken or plant-based proteins, to maintain profitability.

  • Increase Value Offerings: Fast food chains can continue to introduce value meals to appeal to price-sensitive consumers.

  • Consider Product Diversification: Like the ice cream industry, restaurants should adjust their menus based on market conditions to optimize profits.

Implications for Society:

Rising beef prices reflect broader inflationary trends that are affecting food prices and consumer purchasing power. This may accelerate the adoption of alternative proteins as consumers seek more affordable meal options.

Implications for Consumers:

Consumers will continue to face higher prices for beef and may shift toward more affordable alternatives, such as chicken or plant-based meals. Value meals will become increasingly important in maintaining consumer loyalty at restaurants.

Implications for the Future:

Beef prices are expected to remain high until at least 2027, creating long-term pressure on restaurants and consumers alike. The shift to alternative proteins may become more permanent as businesses and consumers adapt to rising costs.

Consumer Trend:

Consumers are turning to value-driven meal options and exploring more affordable protein alternatives as beef prices rise.

Consumer Sub-Trend:

Increased interest in non-beef proteins, such as chicken and plant-based alternatives, as a result of rising beef prices and inflation.

Big Social Trend:

The shift toward sustainable and affordable protein sources, driven by rising beef prices and the broader trend toward alternative meats, is accelerating.

Local Trend:

In the U.S., particularly in fast food chains and restaurants, the focus is on offering value menus and adapting to rising beef prices with alternative proteins.

Worldwide Social Trend:

Globally, there is a growing trend toward plant-based and alternative proteins as climate change, sustainability, and economic pressures drive demand for non-beef options.

Name of the Big Trend Implied by the Article:

"Rising Cost of Protein" – A trend of increasing prices for traditional proteins like beef, pushing consumers and restaurants toward alternative options.

Name of Big Social Trend Implied by the Article:

"Shift to Affordable Proteins" – The move toward lower-cost and alternative protein sources, such as chicken and plant-based options, driven by economic and environmental factors.

Social Drive:

The pressure on the beef industry from environmental challenges, inflation, and shifting consumer preferences is driving the adoption of alternative proteins.

Strategy Recommendations for Companies to Follow in 2025:

  1. Diversify Protein Offerings: Restaurants should expand their menus to include more affordable proteins like chicken, pork, and plant-based alternatives to reduce dependency on beef.

  2. Leverage Value Menus: Continue to offer value-driven meals to attract budget-conscious consumers and maintain customer loyalty during economic uncertainty.

  3. Promote Alternative Proteins: Invest in marketing campaigns that highlight the benefits of chicken, plant-based meals, or other proteins, positioning them as both affordable and sustainable.

  4. Monitor Supply Chains: Stay vigilant about supply chain fluctuations in beef and other proteins to ensure competitive pricing and stable availability.

  5. Innovate with Menu Items: Experiment with new menu concepts that make alternative proteins appealing to customers, such as globally inspired dishes or innovative flavors that go beyond traditional beef offerings.


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