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Insight of the Day: Some Gen Zers would rather take a chance on a new app than use 'embarrassing' Instagram if TikTok gets banned

The article discusses the potential impact of a TikTok ban in the United States and how Gen Zers may respond to the situation. Here are the main takeaways from the article:

1. Potential TikTok Ban:

- A bill in the US Senate could lead to a ban on TikTok, leaving young creators concerned about where they will upload their content.

2. Gen Z's Attitude Towards Instagram:

- Instagram is not seen as a suitable alternative to TikTok for many Gen Zers, who find it "embarrassing" and "stressful" to post content there.

- Many young people use Instagram for stories and direct messages but don't see it as a replacement for TikTok for content creation and consumption.

3. Exploring New Platforms:

- Gen Zers are considering new platforms like Clapper, YouTube Shorts, and potentially others such as Discord and Twitch.

- Some younger creators are exploring Clapper as an alternative to TikTok, though there are mixed reviews on its quality and follower growth rate.

4. Instagram's Challenges with Gen Z:

- Instagram faces challenges in capturing Gen Z's attention due to its association with "polished" and "filtered" content.

- Younger generations prefer the "raw, funny, and real" content on TikTok.

5. The "Eatertainment" Concept:

- While not explicitly mentioned in the article, "eatertainment" is a concept that could play a role in how platforms like Instagram engage Gen Z, by providing interactive and engaging experiences beyond just content.

6. Gen Z's Adaptability:

- Despite the potential TikTok ban, Gen Zers are seen as adaptable and creative, and they will find ways to keep sharing their voices and engaging with online communities.

The article highlights the complexity of social media usage among Gen Z and their strong attachment to TikTok as a platform for raw, authentic content. While Instagram remains a popular platform, it doesn't resonate with Gen Z in the same way TikTok does. If a TikTok ban occurs, young creators will likely explore new platforms and find innovative ways to share their content.

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