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Insight of the Day: Social and Mobile Marketing Preferences

Social and Mobile Marketing Preferences Report Summary (YPulse, July 24, 2024)


  • Gen Z and Millennials are savvy consumers of social media: They are highly aware of advertising tactics and have strong preferences for how brands should interact with them online.

  • Authenticity is key: Young consumers value genuine content and interactions over polished, overly promotional messaging.

  • Short-form video is dominant: Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels are the preferred channels for discovering and engaging with brands.

  • Personalization is expected: Young consumers want brands to tailor their messaging and offers to their individual interests and needs.

  • Social responsibility matters: Brands that demonstrate a commitment to social and environmental causes are more likely to resonate with young consumers.

Key Takeaway:

Brands need to adapt their social and mobile marketing strategies to align with the preferences of Gen Z and Millennials. This means prioritizing authenticity, short-form video content, personalization, and social responsibility.


The shift towards more authentic, personalized, and socially responsible marketing is likely to continue as Gen Z and Millennials gain more purchasing power and influence.

Consumer Motivation:

Young consumers are motivated by a desire for connection, entertainment, and self-expression. They want brands to understand and respect their values and interests.

Driving Trend:

The rise of social media and mobile technology has given young consumers more control over their media consumption and interactions with brands. They are no longer passive recipients of advertising but active participants in the marketing process.

Target Audience:

The report primarily focuses on Gen Z and Millennials, the two largest and most influential generations of consumers.


The report is relevant to any brand or business that uses social media or mobile marketing to reach young consumers.


Gen Z typically refers to individuals born between 1997 and 2012, while Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996.


Brands that fail to adapt to the changing preferences of young consumers risk losing relevance and market share. By embracing authenticity, short-form video, personalization, and social responsibility, brands can build stronger relationships with Gen Z and Millennials and drive long-term growth.

Implications for Brands:

  • Invest in creating high-quality, short-form video content that is entertaining, informative, and relevant to the target audience.

  • Partner with influencers and creators who have a genuine connection with their followers.

  • Use data and analytics to personalize marketing messages and offers.

  • Demonstrate a commitment to social and environmental causes that resonate with young consumers.

Implications for Society:

  • The rise of social and mobile marketing has the potential to empower consumers and hold brands accountable for their actions.

  • By demanding authenticity, personalization, and social responsibility, young consumers are shaping the future of marketing and business.

  • The trend towards more responsible and ethical marketing could have a positive impact on society as a whole.

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