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Insight of the Day: Plant-based food is “letting consumers down” - here’s how UK startup THIS plans to change that

Key Points:

  • Plant-Based Meat Market Challenges:  The plant-based meat market is facing declining sales due to consumer dissatisfaction with price and taste.

  • THIS's Strategy:

  • Focus on taste and price: THIS aims to improve product quality and reduce costs to win back consumers.

  • Emotional connection: The company plans to build a stronger brand image and connect with consumers on an emotional level.

  • Streamlining operations: THIS has consolidated its production and combined its office and lab spaces to improve efficiency.

  • New leadership: The company has hired a new CEO, Mark Cuddigan, to lead its next phase of growth.

  • Marketing and partnerships: THIS has partnered with ITV for media exposure and universities for research collaborations.

  • Expansion: The company is expanding internationally, starting with the Netherlands.

  • Innovation: THIS is developing a plant-based superfood with high nutritional value.

  • Industry Outlook: Despite recent declines, there are signs of recovery in the plant-based meat market, with sales of certain products increasing.

  • Cultivated Meat: THIS sees cultivated meat as a complementary technology rather than a competitor, and believes consumer acceptance is still uncertain.

Overall Summary:

THIS, a UK-based plant-based food startup, is navigating the challenges of the plant-based meat market by focusing on improving product quality, reducing costs, and building a stronger brand. The company is also investing in innovation, expanding internationally, and forming strategic partnerships to drive growth. Despite the current headwinds, THIS is optimistic about the future of plant-based foods and aims to become a leading player in the market.

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