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Insight of the Day: Many eat food they don’t like, says survey

Key Findings:

  • Goodness Over Taste: A significant portion of adults (23%) prioritize health benefits over taste when choosing food.

  • Generational Divide: Younger generations (Gen Z, 25-44 year-olds) are more focused on protein intake and find it confusing, while older generations (65+) prioritize enjoyment and taste.

Key Takeaway:

There's a generational divide in food choices, with younger adults prioritizing protein and health while older adults focus on taste and enjoyment.


The emphasis on protein intake, especially among younger generations, is a growing trend in dietary choices.

Consumer Motivation:

  • Younger generations: Driven by health consciousness and a desire for optimal nutrition, even if it means sacrificing taste.

  • Older generations: Driven by a focus on enjoyment and pleasure in their food choices, with less emphasis on specific nutrients.

Driving Trend:

The increasing awareness of the importance of protein for health and fitness, particularly fueled by social media and health influencers, is driving the focus on protein intake among younger generations.

Target Audience:

The article primarily targets adults, with a specific focus on the differences between younger and older generations in their food choices.


The article mentions Warburtons, a bakery brand, highlighting their protein-rich bagels as a tasty alternative to bland protein sources.


  • There's a need for better education and communication about protein intake to help younger generations make informed choices.

  • Brands can cater to both younger and older generations by offering products that balance both health benefits and taste.

Implications for Brands:

  • Highlight the taste and enjoyment aspects of healthy foods to appeal to a wider audience.

  • Develop products that cater to the specific needs and preferences of different age groups (e.g., high-protein options for younger generations, flavorful options for older generations).

  • Partner with influencers or public figures to promote healthy eating in a relatable way.

Implications for Society:

  • The focus on protein intake could lead to healthier eating habits in the long run.

  • Understanding generational differences in food choices can help inform public health initiatives.

  • The food industry can play a role in promoting a balanced approach to nutrition that emphasizes both health and enjoyment.

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