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Insight of the Day: Influencers sway consumers but authenticity loses some clout, study says

The Power of Influencers

  • Nearly half of consumers make regular purchases based on influencer recommendations, especially younger generations.

  • Trust in influencers is increasing.

Shifting Priorities

  • Authenticity is becoming less important for Gen Z consumers (only 35% prioritize it).

  • Follower count matters more – 47% of Gen Z value an influencer's popularity.

The Rise of AI Influencers

  • Consumers are divided on AI-generated influencers:

  • 37% would be more interested in brands that use them.

  • 37% would distrust brands using them.

Changing Dynamics

  • Consumers, especially younger ones, are more likely to share feedback with influencers than brands themselves.

Key Insights for Marketers:

  • Influencer marketing is highly effective, especially for targeting younger audiences.

  • Understanding generational preferences is crucial (e.g., platform choice, content interests).

  • Genuine reviews and discount codes drive the most engagement.

  • Be cautious with AI influencers – consumer sentiment is mixed.

  • Adapt to the evolving role of influencers in the brand-consumer relationship.

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