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Insight of the Day: Inflation inspires ‘underconsumption-core’ on social media: ‘Bragging that you’re not influenced’


  • "Underconsumption-core" is a new trend on TikTok where users showcase minimalist lifestyles.

  • This trend is a rebuttal to the traditional influencer culture that promotes excessive consumerism.

  • The hashtag #underconsumption has over 5,000 posts highlighting minimalistic habits and long-lasting products.

Key Takeaway:

  • The underconsumption trend emphasizes mindful consumption and sustainability, contrasting with the typical influencer-driven push for constant buying.


  • The movement showcases simplified routines, thrifted or vintage items, and long-lasting products.

  • It promotes using what one already has instead of buying new items frequently.

Consumer Motivation:

  • Exhaustion from the constant pressure to buy new products.

  • Desire for a more sustainable and budget-friendly lifestyle.

  • Reaction against the oversaturation of consumerism on social media.

What is Driving the Trend:

  • High living costs and inflation, particularly impacting younger generations.

  • Growing awareness and emphasis on sustainability and practicality.

  • A pushback against the relentless promotion of new products by influencers.

Who Are the People Article is Referring To:

  • TikTok users, particularly those from Generation Z.

  • Individuals advocating for or showcasing minimalistic lifestyles and mindful consumption.

  • Key figures include influencers like Kristen B., who promotes financial advice and minimalist living.

Description of Consumers' Product or Service:

  • Simplified skincare routines with minimal products.

  • Thrifted, vintage, or long-lasting clothing and household items.

  • Minimalistic home decor and fewer, more versatile possessions.


  • Primarily Generation Z (late teens to mid-20s).


  • The underconsumption trend represents a significant shift in consumer behavior towards more sustainable and mindful consumption.

  • It reflects a growing fatigue with the pressure to continually purchase new products.

Implications for Brands:

  • Brands may need to adapt by promoting sustainability and longevity in their products.

  • Marketing strategies might shift to emphasize quality over quantity and the long-term value of products.

  • There could be a rising demand for durable, multi-purpose, and eco-friendly products.

Implications for Society:

  • Potential reduction in consumer waste and a positive environmental impact.

  • Increased focus on the value of experiences and relationships over material possessions.

  • A societal shift towards more mindful and responsible consumption patterns.

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