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Insight of the Day: How ‘woke’ marketing lets fast fashion brands get away with environmental and labour abuses


The article highlights the misleading marketing tactics used by fashion brands, particularly targeting women, to promote "ethical" or "sustainable" consumption. While these campaigns often use buzzwords and imagery related to feminism, environmentalism, and social justice, the actual practices of these brands, particularly in their supply chains, often contradict these messages.

Key Takeaways:

  • Greenwashing: Fashion companies often use "woke" marketing to obscure the environmental and social harm of their supply chains.

  • Gendered Targeting: These campaigns disproportionately target women, exploiting stereotypes of women as nurturing and caring to encourage them to consume more under the guise of ethical consumption.

  • Misleading Narratives: The article provides specific examples of Swedish fashion brands using vague language and unrelated imagery to promote "responsible" consumption while their actual practices remain questionable.

  • Individual Responsibility: The focus on individual consumer choices deflects from the systemic problems within the fashion industry and the need for collective action and political commitment to create meaningful change.


The trend highlighted is the increasing use of "woke" marketing and greenwashing tactics by fashion brands to appeal to a more socially and environmentally conscious consumer base.

Consumer Motivation:

The article suggests that consumers, particularly women, are motivated by a desire to make ethical and sustainable choices. Brands exploit this motivation by presenting themselves as aligned with these values, even if their actions don't reflect this.

Driving Trend:

The growing awareness of environmental and social issues, coupled with the desire to consume responsibly, is driving the trend of brands adopting "woke" marketing strategies.

Target Audience:

The article primarily refers to women as the target audience for these marketing campaigns.


The article focuses on the fashion industry and the marketing tactics used to promote clothing and accessories.


The article concludes that "woke" marketing and greenwashing are prevalent in the fashion industry, and consumers need to be critical of these campaigns. It emphasizes the need for systemic change and collective action to address the environmental and social issues associated with fast fashion.

Implications for Brands:

Brands need to move beyond superficial marketing tactics and genuinely commit to sustainable and ethical practices throughout their supply chains. Transparency and accountability are crucial for building trust with consumers.

Implications for Society:

The article highlights the need for greater awareness and critical thinking among consumers when it comes to "woke" marketing. It also underscores the importance of collective action and political will to address the systemic issues within the fashion industry.

Big Trend Implied:

The big trend implied is the growing demand for transparency and accountability from brands, particularly in terms of their environmental and social impact. Consumers are increasingly seeking authenticity and are more likely to support brands that align with their values.


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