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Insight of the Day: How the masochistic marketing trend is driving drinks sales


  • There's a rising trend of using unconventional and provocative marketing in the drinks industry.

  • Brands are using themes of the macabre, challenges, and shock value to grab attention.

  • This strategy is proving successful, especially with Gen Z consumers.

  • The trend is also reflected in a growing preference for spicy flavors in drinks.

Key Takeaway:

  • In a crowded market, standing out and subverting expectations through bold and even slightly shocking marketing can be an effective way to connect with consumers, particularly younger ones.


  • The rise of irreverent and "masochistic" marketing in the drinks sector.

Consumer Motivation:

  • Consumers, especially Gen Z, are seeking unique, exciting, and even slightly transgressive experiences. They are drawn to brands that challenge norms and offer a sense of the forbidden.

Driving the Trend:

  • The oversaturated market makes it difficult for brands to stand out with traditional marketing.

  • Gen Z is less responsive to conventional advertising and seeks authenticity and novelty.

  • The increasing popularity of spicy flavors aligns with this trend toward bolder experiences.

People Referred to (Generally):

  • CEOs and founders of beverage companies

  • Marketing professionals

  • Gen Z consumers

Product/Service & Consumer Age:

  • The article primarily focuses on alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

  • The target demographic is primarily Gen Z (roughly 10-25 years old), but the trend also resonates with other age groups seeking unique experiences.


  • Irreverent and provocative marketing is a powerful tool for brands to differentiate themselves and resonate with consumers, especially younger generations.

  • This trend is likely to persist as brands continue to innovate to capture attention in a crowded marketplace.


  • For Brands: Companies need to be bold, creative, and willing to push boundaries to engage with consumers.

  • For Society: This trend reflects a cultural shift towards seeking more authentic and unconventional experiences. It also raises questions about the potential impact of shock-value marketing on societal norms.

  • For Consumers: Consumers can expect to see more edgy and unconventional marketing campaigns. It's essential for them to be discerning and make informed choices.

Consumer Trend & Sub Trend:

  • Trend: Seeking unique, exciting, and even slightly transgressive experiences.

  • Sub Trend: Growing preference for bolder flavors, like spicy options.

Big Social Trend:

  • Shift away from traditional advertising towards more experiential and authentic marketing that resonates with consumers on a deeper level.


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