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Insight of the Day: Health claims highly influence and bolster younger consumers’ F&B purchases


  • 72% of consumers are more likely to buy F&B products with health claims on the packaging, with this number increasing to 87% for 18-24-year-olds.

  • Top health claims that influence purchase decisions include low-sugar/sugar-free, weight management, and energy support.

  • Consumers are interested in ingredients like probiotics, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

  • Concerns about gut health, healthy aging, and fatigue impact F&B choices.

  • There's a rising interest in personalized nutrition, with 79% believing their genetics influence nutritional needs.

  • 41% are keen to try tests to monitor how food affects their bodies, and 32% are interested in nutrition tracking via apps or questionnaires.

Key Takeaway:

  • Younger consumers (Gen Z and Millennials) are leading the charge in prioritizing health and wellness when making food and beverage purchases.


  • Increasing emphasis on health and wellness in the F&B industry, driven by younger consumers.

Consumer Motivation:

  • Desire for healthier, longer lives, and addressing specific health concerns and goals.

What is Driving the Trend:

  • Post-pandemic shift towards proactive wellbeing and greater awareness of the diet-health connection.

Who the Article is Referring to:

  • Primarily Gen Z (18-24) and Millennials (25-34), but with implications for all consumer demographics.

Description of Product/Service & Age:

  • Food and beverages with health claims, including functional beverages, wellness teas, and functional coffees.

  • Target age: Primarily 18-34, but with influence across all ages.


  • The health and wellness trend is significant and growing, particularly among younger consumers.

  • Brands adapting to these needs with transparency and innovation will thrive.


  • For Brands:

    • Prioritize health claims and transparency.

    • Offer personalized nutrition solutions.

    • Target younger demographics.

    • Innovate to meet evolving consumer needs.

  • For Society:

    • Potential for improved public health.

    • Need for regulation and consumer education to counter misinformation.

  • For Consumers:

    • Empowers consumers to make informed, healthy choices.

    • Potential for being misled by marketing tactics.

Implication for the Future:

  • The health and wellness trend is likely to continue and intensify, shaping the future of the F&B industry.

Consumer Trend:

  • Health-Conscious Consumer

Consumer Sub Trend:

  • Personalized Nutrition

Big Social Trend:

  • The Wellness Movement


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