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Insight of the Day: Gen Z scale back on non-essentials to prioritise healthy food

The trend of Gen Z prioritizing healthy food and making lifestyle changes by scaling back on non-essentials like streaming services such as Netflix is reflective of a broader shift towards health-conscious living. This generation seems to recognize the importance of a nourishing, balanced diet in maintaining their well-being, even as the cost of living rises. By choosing to cut back on non-essential expenses such as entertainment and gadgets, Gen Z is demonstrating a commitment to investing in their health.

The 2024 State of Healthy Eating and Wellbeing Report by Lifesum highlights this shift in dietary habits among Gen Z, indicating that they are willing to make sacrifices in other areas of their lives to maintain a healthier diet. This includes cutting back on fashion, tech, and streaming services in favor of spending on nutritious foods.

Signe Svanfeldt, Lead Nutritionist at Lifesum, emphasized that while luxuries can be seen as dispensable, a balanced diet remains a priority for Gen Z. This movement towards healthy eating is indicative of the changing values and priorities of the younger generation.

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