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Insight of the Day: Gen Z, millennials are no longer relaxing while on vacation: here’s why


  • Younger generations (Gen Z and millennials) prioritize making memories over relaxation while on vacation, with 29% of them finding relaxation a waste of time.

  • Vacation preferences shift with age, with Gen Z's preferences changing at 18 and baby boomers' at 54.

  • Americans love to travel, with 28% considering it a high priority. Millennials are the most focused on traveling right now, but Gen Z is likely to take more trips annually in the future.

  • Baby boomers prefer domestic travel, while Gen Z prefers international travel.

  • Family-friendly and tropical destinations are favored across generations, but Gen Z and millennials also love theme parks.

  • Gen X and baby boomers are drawn to small towns.

  • Gen Z plans their vacations meticulously, while baby boomers prefer to go with the flow.

  • Millennials use travel agents, Gen X relies on word-of-mouth, and baby boomers consult travel magazines or websites for planning.

  • Gen Z is most interested in costs and transportation, while millennials focus on restaurant menus and Gen X looks at pictures posted by others.

  • Half of the respondents plan to travel more as they age, with Gen Z leading the way and planning to travel with friends, while baby boomers will travel to connect with family.

  • Traveling with family is important for those who did so growing up, with 77% planning to continue the tradition with their own kids.

Key Takeaway:

Vacation preferences differ significantly across generations, with younger generations prioritizing experiences and memories over relaxation. However, the love for travel remains consistent across all age groups.


The trend is a shift towards more active and experiential vacations, particularly among younger generations. This is reflected in their preference for making memories, exploring new destinations, and engaging in activities like theme parks and international travel.

Consumer Motivation:

Younger generations are motivated by the desire to create lasting memories, have unique experiences, and share their adventures on social media. Older generations seek relaxation, family bonding, and a slower pace of travel.

Driving Trend:

The trend is driven by several factors, including:

  • Changing values and priorities among younger generations, who prioritize experiences over material possessions.

  • The influence of social media, which encourages the sharing of travel experiences and creates a desire for unique and photogenic destinations.

  • The increasing affordability and accessibility of travel, making it easier for people to explore new places and cultures.

Target Audience:

The article targets individuals of all ages who are interested in travel, but it specifically highlights the differences in preferences and motivations between different generations.

Product/Service Description:

The article mentions Apple Vacations as a provider of all-inclusive resorts, which cater to different travel preferences and offer a range of activities and amenities for families and individuals.


Understanding the diverse preferences and motivations of different generations is crucial for the travel industry to tailor their offerings and marketing strategies effectively.

Implications for Brands:

Brands need to develop targeted marketing campaigns that cater to the specific preferences of each generation. For example, they could offer adventurous and experience-focused packages for younger generations and relaxation-oriented packages for older generations.

Implications for Society:

The trend towards experiential travel can have positive impacts on local economies and cultural exchange. However, it can also lead to overtourism and environmental concerns if not managed sustainably.

Big Trend Implied:

The biggest trend implied is the growing personalization of travel experiences. As consumers seek unique and meaningful adventures, the travel industry needs to adapt by offering a wider range of options and catering to individual preferences.


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