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Insight of the Day: Gen Z is Even More into Friendsgiving than Millennials

Summary: Gen Z is embracing Friendsgiving even more enthusiastically than Millennials, thanks to their strong love for hosting intimate gatherings with friends. According to YPulse’s "Gen Z is Hosting" trend report, 46% of 13-39-year-olds are planning to host a holiday gathering or party this year, with a significant portion being Gen Z. Friendsgiving provides a perfect occasion for this generation to express their social inclinations in an authentic, casual setting, which is increasingly shared across social media platforms.

Key Takeaway: Friendsgiving is becoming a key social event for Gen Z, reflecting their preference for personalized, intimate gatherings over traditional family holidays. Hosting these events gives them the opportunity to strengthen friendships and build community through meaningful, festive interactions.

Trend: The trend is the rise of home-hosted social gatherings like Friendsgiving, driven by Gen Z’s desire for connection, self-expression, and authenticity.

Consumer Motivation: Gen Z is motivated by the desire for authentic experiences that allow them to create memories with close friends in a relaxed, personalized environment. The ability to share these experiences on social media also plays a significant role in their motivation.

What is Driving the Trend:

  • Social media influence: Gen Z shares their Friendsgiving experiences online, inspiring others to do the same.

  • Desire for authentic connection: Gathering with friends in a casual, non-commercial environment appeals to Gen Z’s preference for meaningful interactions.

  • Customization and creativity: Hosting Friendsgiving allows Gen Z to create a gathering that reflects their unique personality, culinary preferences, and traditions.

Who Are the People the Article Refers To: Young people aged 13-39, especially Gen Z, who are planning to host or attend Friendsgiving events with their friends this holiday season.

Conclusions: Friendsgiving is quickly becoming one of the most important holiday events for Gen Z, reflecting their desire for meaningful, friend-focused celebrations. This trend provides an opportunity for brands to engage with Gen Z by offering products and services that enhance their hosting experience.

Implications for Brands: Brands can capitalize on this trend by offering Friendsgiving-themed products such as food kits, decor, and entertainment ideas that resonate with Gen Z’s focus on personalization and authenticity. Marketing efforts should emphasize the social and creative aspects of hosting Friendsgiving.

Implications for Society: Friendsgiving reflects a shift towards friendship-centered holidays, where traditional family gatherings are complemented or even replaced by celebrations with close-knit social circles.

Implications for Consumers: For Gen Z, Friendsgiving is an opportunity to exercise their creativity, showcase their personal style, and strengthen their relationships. They are likely to spend on experiences and products that help them host memorable, unique gatherings.

Implication for Future: The rise of Friendsgiving points to a future where intimate, home-hosted gatherings become a central part of how younger generations celebrate holidays and special occasions.

Consumer Trend: The shift towards hosting social gatherings at home, with Friendsgiving as a key event where young consumers celebrate friendships.

Consumer Sub Trend: The increasing role of social media in shaping and amplifying these home-based celebrations, with platforms like TikTok and Instagram driving inspiration for Friendsgiving setups.

Big Social Trend: The movement towards authentic, experience-driven socializing as opposed to commercialized or traditional holiday celebrations.

Local Trend: Friendsgiving is becoming a popular social event in urban settings where Gen Z and Millennials can host gatherings in apartments or shared living spaces.

Worldwide Social Trend: The shift towards friend-centered holidays is not just a Western phenomenon but is likely to spread globally, especially in regions where social media plays a significant role in shaping young people’s lifestyles.

Name of the Big Trend Implied by the Article: "Friendship-Focused Celebrations" – a trend where holidays and gatherings are increasingly centered around friends rather than traditional family structures.

Social Drive: The drive for authenticity, creativity, and personal connection is at the heart of Gen Z’s enthusiasm for hosting and celebrating Friendsgiving.

Strategy Recommendations for Companies to Follow in 2025:

  1. Develop Friendsgiving-themed products: Brands should offer dinner kits, decor, and entertainment solutions that make hosting easier and more fun for Gen Z.

  2. Emphasize social media engagement: Encourage Gen Z consumers to share their Friendsgiving setups and celebrations online, offering incentives for the most creative and unique ideas.

  3. Leverage influencers: Partner with Gen Z influencers to showcase how to host the ultimate Friendsgiving, highlighting affordable, fun, and creative ways to celebrate.

Final Sentence (Key Concept): To benefit from the rising Friendsgiving trend in 2025, brands should focus on providing customizable, social-media-friendly products that enhance authentic, friendship-centered celebrations, meeting Gen Z’s desire for creativity, personalization, and meaningful connection.


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