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Insight of the Day: From greenwashing to greenhushing: changes in sustainability communication

Key Findings:

  • Greenwashing, or over-promoting ESG progress, has declined significantly, with only 2% of US companies engaging in it.

  • Greenhushing, or under-promoting ESG progress, is now the dominant trend, with 58% of companies doing so.

  • Stricter regulations, lawsuits, and informed consumers are driving the shift towards greenhushing.

Key Takeaway:

While the decline in greenwashing is positive, the rise of greenhushing presents new challenges, including a potential loss of momentum in sustainability efforts and less sharing of solutions.


The trend is moving away from overt greenwashing and towards a more cautious approach to environmental communication, known as greenhushing.

Consumer Motivation:

Consumers are increasingly aware of greenwashing and demand more transparency and authenticity from brands regarding their environmental impact.

Driving Trend:

Stricter regulations, high-profile lawsuits against companies for misleading environmental claims, and increased consumer awareness are the main drivers behind this trend.

Who is the article referring to:

The article refers to companies, environmental advocates, and consumers.

Description of consumers, product, or service the article refers to:

The article discusses corporate communications related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) progress, particularly in the context of companies adopting AI technologies.


While the decline in greenwashing is a positive development, the rise of greenhushing raises concerns about the transparency and ambition of corporate sustainability efforts. Companies like Google and Microsoft, which openly acknowledge their environmental challenges, are setting a positive example.

Implications for Brands:

Brands need to strike a balance between transparency and caution when communicating their ESG progress. They should avoid greenhushing and instead focus on building trust with consumers through honest and open communication about their environmental impact, even if it includes acknowledging shortcomings.

Implications for Society:

The shift towards greenhushing could hinder progress towards sustainability goals as companies become less willing to share their successes and failures. It's crucial for society to encourage open dialogue and collaboration to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future.

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