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Insight of the Day: Four ways confectionery brands are customizing the consumer experience


  • Confectionery brands are increasingly focusing on personalization as a strategy to stand out in a competitive market. This includes personalized marketing campaigns, custom packaging, and DIY designs for gifting.

  • The confectionery industry is expected to grow significantly, with personalization playing a key role in driving this expansion.

Key Takeaway:

Personalization in confectionery is becoming a critical differentiator, offering brands opportunities to engage consumers more deeply by tailoring experiences to individual preferences, whether through marketing, nutrition, or custom packaging.


The primary trend is the rise of personalization in the confectionery industry, encompassing various aspects such as marketing, product customization, and personalized nutrition. This trend is driven by advancements in technology, particularly AI, and the growing consumer desire for unique, tailored experiences.

Consumer Motivation:

Consumers are motivated by a desire for:

  • Unique and Personalized Experiences: Whether in the form of custom packaging, tailored marketing content, or personalized nutrition, consumers are increasingly seeking products that reflect their individual preferences and identities.

  • Interactive and Engaging Experiences: Consumers enjoy the ability to interact with brands in novel ways, such as through AR, VR, and AI-powered campaigns that make them feel like active participants in the brand's story.

What is Driving the Trend:

  • Advancements in AI and Technology: The development of generative AI, AR, and VR has enabled more sophisticated and personalized consumer experiences.

  • Demand for Personalization: As consumers increasingly value products that feel unique to them, brands are investing in personalization to meet these expectations and foster stronger connections with their customers.

Who Are the People in the Article:

  • Brands and Innovators: Companies like Cadbury, Starburst, Snickers, Hershey, Mondelez, Nestlé, and Mars Wrigley are leading the charge in integrating personalization into their products and marketing strategies.

  • Consumers: The article refers to modern, tech-savvy consumers who value personalized experiences and are attracted to brands that offer customized products and interactions.

Description of Consumers and Products/Services:

  • Products/Services: The article discusses various personalized offerings, including customized chocolate bars, AI-powered marketing campaigns, and personalized nutrition advice. These services cater to consumers' growing interest in having products tailored to their individual tastes and needs.

  • Consumer Age: The target consumers are likely younger, digitally engaged individuals who are accustomed to interacting with brands through technology and expect personalized, unique experiences.


Personalization is becoming a key strategy for confectionery brands aiming to differentiate themselves in a competitive market. By leveraging advanced technologies, brands can create unique, engaging, and personalized experiences that resonate with consumers, driving growth and customer loyalty.

Implications for Brands:

  • Invest in Technology: Brands should continue investing in AI, AR, and other technologies that enable deeper personalization, ensuring they stay ahead in a competitive market.

  • Expand Customization Options: Offering more personalized products and packaging can help brands connect with consumers on a more personal level, increasing brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

Implications for Society:

  • Increased Expectation for Personalization: As more industries adopt personalization strategies, consumers may come to expect a higher level of customization in all aspects of their lives, from food to other consumer goods.

  • Ethical Considerations: As AI and personalized nutrition become more prevalent, concerns around data privacy, accuracy, and ethics will need to be carefully managed.

Big Trend Implied:

The big trend implied is the integration of advanced technology in driving personalization, which is reshaping consumer expectations and setting new standards for engagement in the confectionery industry and beyond. This trend suggests a future where consumer experiences are increasingly tailored, interactive, and tech-driven, with personalization at the core of brand strategies.


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