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Insight of the Day: Food and beverage is stabilizing


The article presents findings from Circana, indicating a shift in consumer spending from away-from-home to in-home consumption, which is driving growth in the retail food and beverage (F&B) sector. This trend, combined with moderating inflation, is expected to result in continued, albeit slightly slower, growth for the sector in 2024.

Key Takeaway

The primary takeaway is that consumers are increasingly choosing to eat at home, benefiting the retail F&B industry. This trend is fueled by a desire for convenience, quality, and value, prompting changes in consumer shopping habits and product preferences.


The central trend highlighted is the shift from away-from-home to in-home consumption.

Consumer Motivation

The article suggests that consumers are motivated by:

  • Convenience: Preference for quick-prep options and smaller, more frequent shopping trips.

  • Quality: Seeking out fresh, high-quality products, particularly in the produce, refrigerated, and deli departments.

  • Value: Balancing the desire for quality with budget considerations, leading to a bifurcation in purchasing behavior with some consumers opting for premium products and others choosing private brands.

Driving Trend

While not explicitly stated, the trend towards in-home consumption could be driven by several factors, including:

  • Economic concerns: Lingering effects of inflation and economic uncertainty may be encouraging consumers to save money by eating at home.

  • Lifestyle changes: Increased remote work and busy schedules could be making home cooking more appealing.

  • Shifting priorities: Consumers may be prioritizing health and wellness, leading to a greater focus on home-cooked meals.

Target Audience

The article primarily refers to:

  • Consumers: Those purchasing food and beverages for in-home consumption. Their age is not explicitly mentioned, but the emphasis on convenience and quick-prep options might suggest a focus on busy individuals or families.

  • F&B manufacturers and retailers: The article discusses implications for these businesses, highlighting the need to adapt to changing consumer preferences.

Product/Service Description

The article focuses on the retail food and beverage industry, encompassing a wide range of products, including fresh produce, refrigerated items, frozen foods, deli products, seafood, and liquor.


  • The retail F&B sector is expected to continue growing in 2024, driven by the shift towards in-home consumption.

  • Inflation is moderating, but price increases are still contributing to top-line growth.

  • Consumer behavior is evolving, with a greater focus on convenience, quality, and value.

Implications for Brands

  • Brands need to adapt to changing consumer preferences by offering convenient, high-quality products at competitive prices.

  • They should also consider the growing demand for premium and private-label products.

  • Understanding the motivations behind the shift to in-home consumption can help brands develop effective marketing strategies.

Implications for Society

  • The shift to in-home consumption could have implications for the restaurant industry and food service businesses.

  • Increased home cooking could lead to healthier eating habits and greater food awareness.

  • There could be environmental implications associated with changes in packaging and transportation needs.

Big Trend Implied

The overarching trend implied is the evolving relationship between consumers and food. Economic factors, lifestyle changes, and shifting priorities are influencing how people shop for and consume food and beverages. This presents both challenges and opportunities for businesses in the F&B sector.


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