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Insight of the Day: Fast food deals were off the table. Now they’re roaring back


  • Fast food chains are returning to price promotions and discounts to attract customers amidst rising food costs and slowing sales.

  • McDonald's is planning a nationwide $5 meal promotion, following similar moves by Wendy's, KFC, and Burger King.

  • This marks a significant shift in strategy for the industry, which had been relying on price increases without significant discounts for a long period.

Key Takeaway:

Fast food chains are engaging in a "price war" to regain customer traffic and market share, utilizing discounts and value menus as a primary strategy.


The resurgence of price promotions in the fast food industry reflects a shift in consumer behavior, as diners become more price-conscious and seek out affordable options amidst economic challenges.


  • Price promotions can be a double-edged sword for fast food chains, as they boost sales but also eat into profit margins.

  • The success of these promotions will depend on their ability to significantly increase customer traffic and offset the reduced profitability per item.

  • The long-term impact of these promotions on the industry remains uncertain, as a race to the bottom could potentially harm profitability for all players.

Implications for Brands:

  • Fast food brands need to strike a balance between offering attractive deals and maintaining profitability.

  • Limiting promotions to specific periods and utilizing digital channels can help mitigate the financial impact.

  • Brands should focus on providing value beyond just price, such as quality ingredients, unique menu items, and exceptional customer service.

  • Continuously monitoring consumer preferences and adjusting strategies accordingly will be crucial for success in this competitive environment.


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