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Insight of the Day: Environmental sustainability a top concern for Gen Z, millennials as they push businesses to take climate action

The article highlights the growing concern among Gen Z and millennials regarding environmental sustainability, and their active efforts to push businesses and governments towards greater climate action.

Key Findings:

  • Environmental anxiety: A significant portion of Gen Z and millennials feel anxious or worried about climate change.

  • Demand for sustainable options: The majority believe businesses should make it easier for consumers to make sustainable purchasing decisions.

  • Influence on career choices: A considerable number have changed jobs or industries, or plan to do so, to align their work with environmental values.

  • Consumer activism: They actively research companies' environmental impact before buying and are willing to pay more for sustainable products or services.

  • Boycott of unsustainable companies: A quarter of respondents have cut ties with companies due to unsustainable practices in their supply chain.

  • Personal action: The vast majority of both generations have taken steps to minimize their own environmental impact.

  • Call for government intervention: Nearly 80% believe governments should play a bigger role in pushing businesses to address climate change.


  • Businesses need to adapt: The findings underscore the need for businesses to prioritize environmental sustainability in their operations and product offerings to attract and retain younger generations of consumers and employees.

  • Increased demand for sustainable products: The willingness of consumers to pay more for sustainable products indicates a growing market for such offerings.

  • Pressure on governments: The call for government intervention highlights the expectation for stronger policies and regulations to drive climate action.

Overall, the survey results suggest a significant shift in consumer and employee expectations, where environmental sustainability is becoming a key factor in decision-making. This trend is likely to continue influencing business practices and government policies in the years to come.

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