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Insight of the Day: Consumers Want Friction-Free Shopping on Connected Devices

According to a report from PYMNTS Intelligence, the ubiquity of connected devices and apps has significantly influenced how U.S. consumers spend their time and engage in shopping activities. The report, based on surveys with over 4,600 U.S. consumers, highlights the growing role of connected devices in the shopping experience.

Key findings from the report include:

1. Device Usage: 74% of consumers use their connected devices while shopping, with 55% stating that they specifically log in to enhance their shopping efforts.

2. Desired Features: Consumers expressed interest in various features and enhancements to further enhance their shopping experience. The most popular feature, resonating with 41% of consumers, is the ability to use their smartphones to snap a photo of something they like and be automatically redirected to the product page for purchase. Additionally, 38% expressed interest in a function that would allow them to visualize potential purchases on themselves or in their living space, while 34% desired a smart dressing room mirror that suggests complementary items. Other desired features include a feature to contact and order from the nearest coffee outlet (34% of consumers) and touch-screen functionality to purchase items featured in a show they are streaming (33% of consumers).

3. Existing Capabilities: Some of the desired features mentioned by consumers are already available to a small percentage of users. For example, nearly 8% of consumers using Google Lens can use smartphone pictures to redirect to product URLs.

The survey findings indicate that consumers desire a seamless and friction-free shopping experience on their connected devices. The interest shown suggests that the digital features not yet available are likely to be developed and implemented in the near future.

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