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Insight of the Day: Consumers are ready but human oversight remains key for AI


  • QSRs are eager to implement AI but face challenges with order accuracy.

  • Human oversight is crucial for AI success in this industry.

  • The ROI for AI in QSRs is unclear, hindering wider adoption.

  • Smaller QSR chains might delay AI adoption due to costs and uncertainties.

Key Takeaway:

  • QSRs need to carefully consider use cases and benefits of AI before investing, balancing customer experience and cost.


  • Growing interest in AI for QSRs, driven by labor shortages and potential efficiency gains.

Consumer Motivation:

  • Consumers expect seamless, accurate service even when AI is involved.

Driving Trend:

  • Labor shortages and the desire to improve efficiency and customer experience are driving AI adoption in QSRs.

People Referred to:

  • Emma Pitfield (KPMG Partner)

  • Josef Chen (CEO, KAIKAKU)

  • Kristi Woolrych (GM, KFC SOPAC)

Product/Service & Consumer Age:

  • AI services (voice ordering, etc.) for QSRs

  • Consumers of all ages who frequent QSRs


  • AI has potential in QSRs but requires careful implementation and focus on accuracy.

  • Smaller chains may adopt AI later as technology matures and costs decrease.

  • Widespread AI adoption is likely within 2-3 years.


  • Brands: Need to carefully evaluate AI use cases, focus on customer experience, and manage costs.

  • Society: Potential for increased efficiency and convenience in QSRs.

  • Consumers: May experience faster service and improved ordering, but accuracy is crucial.

  • Future: AI will likely become common in QSRs, shaping the industry and customer expectations.

Consumer Trend:

  • Demand for convenience and seamless experiences in QSRs.

Consumer Sub Trend:

  • Increasing acceptance of AI, but with high expectations for accuracy.

Big Social Trend:

  • Growing reliance on technology for everyday tasks and experiences.


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