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Insight of the Day: Chinese consumers trend towards healthier beverages in soft drinks


  • Low-calorie soft drinks saw a significant increase in volume in China in 2023, driven by health-conscious consumers.

  • Fruit-based categories like juice and nectars also experienced notable growth.

  • Carbonates, including low-calorie options, faced challenges due to health concerns and the WHO's listing of aspartame as a potential carcinogen.

Key Takeaway:

Health consciousness is a major driver in the Chinese soft drink market, leading to increased demand for low-calorie and fruit-based options.


The trend is towards healthier beverage choices in China, with consumers shifting away from sugary drinks and embracing low-calorie and natural alternatives.

Consumer Motivation:

Health awareness, amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, is motivating consumers to make healthier choices and reduce sugar intake.

Driving Trend:

  • Increased health awareness post-pandemic.

  • Relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions and economic recovery.

  • Rising consumer purchasing power.

  • Easing inflation.

People Referred to in the Article:

  • Consumers in China

Description of Consumers, Products, or Services:

The article refers to consumers in China who are increasingly interested in healthier soft drinks, particularly low-calorie and fruit-based options.


  • Health consciousness is reshaping the Chinese soft drink market.

  • Low-calorie and fruit-based drinks are gaining popularity.

  • Carbonates, including low-calorie options, are facing challenges.

Implications for Brands:

  • Brands need to focus on developing and promoting healthier soft drink options.

  • They should prioritize transparency and clear communication about ingredients.

  • They should consider offering a wider range of low-calorie and natural alternatives.

Implications for Society:

  • The shift towards healthier beverages could contribute to improved public health in China.

  • Increased demand for healthier options could incentivize the development of more innovative and nutritious products.

Big Trend Implied:

The big trend implied in the article is the growing global shift towards health and wellness, with consumers increasingly prioritizing healthier food and beverage choices. This trend is likely to continue and will require brands to adapt and innovate to meet evolving consumer demands.


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