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Insight of the Day: China beer market loses fizz as spendthrift drinkers opt for cheaper brews

Summary of the Article:


  • The premiumization strategy in China's beer market is facing challenges due to a nationwide spending decline and shrinking consumer base.

  • Major players like China Resources Beer and AB InBev are experiencing decreased sales and revenue in the first half of 2024.

  • The premiumization trend, once successful in boosting profits, is hitting a roadblock as consumers prioritize value for money.

  • China's ageing population could further impact the beer industry.

  • Despite challenges, high-end beer sales are still growing, suggesting premiumization remains a key strategy.

Key Takeaway:

The Chinese beer market is experiencing a shift. While premiumization has been a successful strategy, economic challenges and changing demographics are forcing brewers to re-evaluate their approach.


The beer market is moving towards a focus on "value, experience, and personalization," with both high-end and affordable options gaining traction.

Consumer Motivation:

Consumers are seeking value for money and are becoming more cautious about spending due to economic uncertainty.

Driving Trend:

  • Economic slowdown in China

  • Changing consumer preferences towards value-driven products

  • Ageing population and shrinking beer-drinking demographic

People Referred to in the Article:

  • Richard Lin, Chief Consumer Analyst at SPDB International

  • Hou Xiaohai, Chairman of CR Beer

  • Jacky Tsang, Equity Analyst at Morningstar

Description of Consumers/Product/Service and Age:

  • Consumers: Primarily Chinese beer drinkers aged 20-60.

  • Product: Beer, with a focus on premium and high-end brands.


The premiumization strategy in China's beer market is facing headwinds due to economic factors and demographic changes. Brewers will need to adapt by offering both premium and affordable options, focusing on value, experience, and personalization.

Implications for Brands:

  • Re-evaluate pricing strategies to offer more value-driven products.

  • Focus on brand experiences and personalization to cater to different consumer segments.

  • Innovate to meet the evolving needs and preferences of a changing consumer base.

Implications for Society:

  • The economic slowdown may impact consumer spending on discretionary items like beer.

  • The ageing population could lead to a decline in overall beer consumption.

  • The beer industry may need to diversify to cater to a broader range of consumer needs and preferences.

Big Trend Implied:

  • The shift towards value-driven consumption in China, as consumers prioritize affordability and practicality over premium products.

  • The need for businesses to adapt to the changing demographics and economic landscape to remain competitive.


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