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Insight of the Day: Beyond imitation: how designers are reimagining China’s cars


  • Xiaomi's SU7 EV, inspired by Porsche's Taycan, has seen a surge in pre-orders, exceeding 88,000 by April end.

  • The Chinese EV industry is booming, with projected sales of 10.1 million EVs this year, surpassing Europe and the US.

  • Chinese EV makers are pushing boundaries in design and technology, but some struggle to establish a unique identity.

  • While Chinese brands excel in technology and user experience, they often try to emulate western brands, missing the opportunity to showcase their unique Chinese qualities.

Key Takeaway:

The Chinese EV market is experiencing rapid growth and innovation, but there's a need for Chinese brands to establish a distinct design identity to truly compete globally.


The Chinese EV industry is shifting from producing low-quality models to sleek, high-tech, and affordable cars. Local brands are rapidly catching up with Western counterparts in terms of design and technology.


The success of Xiaomi's SU7 EV demonstrates the potential of the Chinese EV market. However, to truly establish themselves as global leaders, Chinese carmakers need to focus on developing unique designs that reflect their own cultural identity and values.

Implications for Brands:

  • Chinese EV brands: Need to focus on developing unique designs that differentiate them from Western competitors.

  • Western EV brands: Should not underestimate the speed and innovation of Chinese rivals. They need to continuously innovate to stay competitive in the Chinese market.

  • Global automotive industry: The rise of Chinese EV makers could lead to increased competition and innovation in the global automotive industry. This could benefit consumers by offering more choices and driving down prices.


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