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Insight of the Day: Americans use money-saving strategies when dining out


  • Consumers are still dining out: 51% plan to maintain or increase dining out in the next six months.

  • Strategies for savings:  Diners are utilizing coupons, value meals, happy hour deals, and taking leftovers home ("doggy bags") to combat higher prices.

  • Tipping concerns: 73% dislike auto-tipping prompts, and 44% say inflation has impacted their tipping habits.

  • QR code menus disliked: 89% of diners prefer physical menus, especially in fine dining establishments.

Key Takeaway:

Despite rising costs and shrinking portion sizes, consumers are not giving up on dining out. They are, however, adopting strategies to save money and are vocal about their preferences, such as disliking QR code menus and auto-tipping prompts.


Consumers are seeking value and prioritizing the overall dining experience while navigating the challenges of inflation.

Consumers Addressed:

  • Budget-conscious diners: Those actively seeking ways to save money while eating out.

  • Tech-averse diners: Those who prefer traditional menus and dislike auto-tipping prompts.

  • All demographics: The survey includes respondents across different ages, genders, and locations, offering a comprehensive view of consumer preferences.


  • Restaurants need to focus on providing value and a positive dining experience to retain customers.

  • Technology should be used strategically to enhance the dining experience, not replace it.

  • Understanding and addressing consumer preferences, like menu formats and tipping methods, is crucial for customer satisfaction.

Implications for Brands:

  • Offer value-driven promotions: Develop deals and specials to attract budget-conscious diners.

  • Prioritize customer experience: Train staff to provide excellent service and create a welcoming atmosphere.

  • Offer menu flexibility: Provide both physical and digital menus to cater to different preferences.

  • Rethink auto-tipping: Explore alternative tipping methods that give customers more control.

Implications for Society:

  • The dining industry is evolving to adapt to changing economic conditions and consumer behaviors.

  • Technology will continue to play a role in the dining experience, but it must be implemented thoughtfully.

  • Restaurants have an opportunity to foster a positive dining culture by prioritizing value, experience, and customer preferences.


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