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Insight of the Day: 5 Things the Entertainment Business Can Learn From Twilio’s Latest Report

5 Things the Entertainment Business Can Learn From Twilio's Latest Report:

  1. Personalization at Scale: AI is key to bridging the gap between what brands think they're delivering and what fans actually experience. By leveraging AI, entertainment businesses can analyze vast amounts of data to tailor recommendations, marketing messages, and customer service interactions to individual preferences.

  2. Trust as a Cornerstone: Transparency and data security are paramount. Fans are increasingly concerned about how their data is used, so entertainment companies must prioritize robust security measures and clearly communicate their data policies to build and maintain trust.

  3. Moving Beyond Cookies: With the impending demise of third-party cookies, entertainment businesses need to shift their focus to first-party data collection. By gathering data directly from fans through their interactions with platforms and content, companies can create more accurate customer profiles and deliver targeted marketing even without cookies.

  4. Catering to the Digital Native: Gen Z and millennials expect seamless digital interactions. Entertainment businesses should invest in AI-powered digital platforms that are user-friendly, engaging, and capable of delivering personalized content across the channels that these demographics prefer.

  5. Bridging the Experience Gap: There's often a disconnect between how brands perceive the customer experience and how customers actually feel. To close this gap, entertainment companies need to meticulously analyze each step of the customer journey, identify pain points, and optimize processes to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience from start to finish.

Key Takeaway: Twilio's report emphasizes that AI is not just a buzzword; it's a transformative tool for the entertainment industry. By embracing AI ethically and strategically, businesses can foster deeper connections with fans, build trust, and thrive in an increasingly digital landscape.

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