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Insight of the Day: 3 Key Takeaways from Datassential’s Mid-Year Food and Beverage Trends Report


  • Findings:

    • Post-pandemic dining: Pickup and takeout are surging, reflecting a desire for flexibility and convenience. In-person dining is recovering, but at a slower pace.

    • Gaming influence: Video games are driving food and beverage purchases, especially among younger demographics.

    • Pad Thai's staying power: Pad Thai, particularly vegetable and chicken variations, is gaining popularity due to its adaptability and health-conscious appeal.

  • Key Takeaway:

    • Consumer preferences are evolving, emphasizing convenience, customization, and the influence of digital platforms.

  • Trends:

    • Rise of pickup and takeout

    • Growing impact of gaming on food choices

    • Sustained popularity of Pad Thai

  • Consumer Motivation:

    • Flexibility and convenience in dining

    • Engagement with digital platforms and gaming

    • Preference for customizable and healthy options

  • What's Driving the Trends:

    • Lingering effects of the pandemic

    • Increased gaming popularity, especially among younger generations

    • Consumer demand for plant-based and adaptable dishes

  • Target Audience:

    • Primarily US consumers, with specific emphasis on Gen Z and Millennials for gaming-related trends.

  • Product/Service:

    • Restaurant food and beverages, particularly takeout/pickup options and dishes like Pad Thai

    • Gaming-related food and beverage products and marketing campaigns

  • Conclusions:

    • The food industry is undergoing significant changes due to evolving consumer behaviors and the influence of digital platforms.

    • Businesses need to adapt to these changes to stay relevant and successful.

  • Implications for Brands:

    • Prioritize convenience and flexibility in dining options

    • Explore marketing opportunities within the gaming space

    • Offer customizable and healthy menu items

    • Stay attuned to emerging trends and adapt their strategies accordingly

  • Implications for Society:

    • Increasing reliance on digital platforms for entertainment and decision-making

    • Shift towards healthier and more sustainable food choices

    • Growing influence of gaming culture on consumer behavior

  • Big Trend Implied:

    • The convergence of digital and physical experiences is shaping consumer behavior across industries, including food and beverage. Businesses need to embrace this trend and leverage it to connect with their audiences.


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